Most French-Canadians have a family story or two about Indians in the family tree. Are you still looking for yours? Today’s guest, Paul Bunnell, Koasek Tribal Chief & Genealogist, will give you a few hints on what to look for as well as ideas for further research. Then in Language...
French language

MSS-026-The PRDH
Most French-Canadian genealogists are familiar with the PRDH, but are you familiar with all three versions? Today we’ll describe each while discussing the pros and cons. To help you out, you can download a PDF copy of the Key to the Repertory, the English translation of the instructions for the printed...

MSS-025-A Celebration in Food: the French-Canadian Tourtière
‘Tis the season for family, friends, and food. The one food above all else associated with traditional Christmas festivities in any French-Canadian household is the tourtière. Join me and our guest Juliana L’Heureux for an in-depth look at this tasty treat! Keeping with our festive theme, in Language Tip...

MSS-024-Fichier Origine
Are you planning a trip to France? If so, take along your ancestors’ hometown information so you can visit and make it a truly memorable experience. A listener wrote in asking about the reliability of the Fichier Origine database. She had found some intriguing information on her ancestors’ origins and...

MSS-023-Sharing Franco Heritage with the Next Generation
Did one of your teachers ever assign a family history class project? Many genealogists claim to have gotten the ‘genealogy bug’ from a classroom assignment when they were youngsters. Well, today’s guest is helping to create interest in the next generation of budding genealogists by helping her students learn...

MSS-021-Interview with a Self-Proclaimed Taphophile
Wikipedia describes a taphophile as “an individual who has a passion for and enjoyment of cemeteries. This involves epitaphs, gravestone rubbing, photography, art, and history of deaths. …” That certainly describes today’s guest, Bill Fleming. Bill is a frequent contributor to Rootsweb’s Quebec-Research list, perhaps best known for his...

MSS-020-Hélène’s World-part 1
Have you ever thought of taking your research and writing the stories of your ancestors? If you haven’t yet, what’s stopping you? Time? Don’t know where to start? Can’t read French? Author Susan McNelley will take us on her journey, one that resulted in the publication of Hélène’s World:...

MSS-019-World Acadian Congress 2014
Once arriving back to the eighteenth century, many French-Canadian researchers will find an Acadian or two in their ancestry. That is because, after the deportation, some of these unfortunate folks escaped to or returned to French-Canadian settlements and eventually intermarried. Every five years a celebration of Acadian heritage takes...

MSS-018-The American-Canadian Genealogical Society
New Hampshire saw a large influx of French-Canadians in the 19th century, and the American-Canadian Genealogical Society and its library have helped many descendants trace their roots back to Québec. President Jim Gaudet fills you in on the history and happenings of the ACGS. Then in Language Tip #18, you’ll...

MSS-017-French-Canadian Repertoires
Thanks to the hard work of hundreds, if not thousands, of volunteers across Canada and the United States, those of us who were researching our French-Canadian ancestors a decade or two ago were very grateful to have a multitude of repertoires at our disposal. Once we discovered to which...