Did one of your teachers ever assign a family history class project? Many genealogists claim to have gotten the ‘genealogy bug’ from a classroom assignment when they were youngsters. Well, today’s guest is helping to create interest in the next generation of budding genealogists by helping her students learn...

MSS-022-Dissecting a French-Canadian Marriage Record
In episode #13, we delved into the components of a French-Canadian baptism record. Today, we dissect a marriage record, the backbone of our reconstructed ancestral families. Lengthier than either a baptism or burial record, the marriage record contains more variation and complexity. So in this episode you’ll learn common,...

MSS-017-French-Canadian Repertoires
Thanks to the hard work of hundreds, if not thousands, of volunteers across Canada and the United States, those of us who were researching our French-Canadian ancestors a decade or two ago were very grateful to have a multitude of repertoires at our disposal. Once we discovered to which...

MSS-015-French-Canadian Marriage Records
Marriage records are the backbone of your French-Canadian research upon which you build your family structure. Before we dissect a marriage record, it helps to understand what’s behind the parts that make up the whole. In preparation, today we will discuss the history of marriage in New France, as well...

MSS-014-The American-French Genealogical Society
After reviewing common French terms found in baptism records and learning some less-common terms, you should then be ready to try your hand at reading a record from start to finish on your own. Test your skills and revel in your accomplishment! In the main segment, we are treated...

MSS-013-Dissecting a French-Canadian Baptism Record
If you are not fluent in French, then tracing your ancestors in Québec records is a daunting task. In the last episode, we determined that we could use gender clues to answer some questions. Today we’re going to begin to recognize the words that make up French dates since...