Many genealogists go straight to online trees when they encounter a new surname in the family tree. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s part of the initial literature search we should all do. We need to see if someone else has already researched that particular line before we spend...

MSS-081-French-Canadian and Acadian DNA Projects
DNA! The new tool in the genealogist’s toolbox. Everyone’s jumping on the bandwagon. Yet, many people, when they receive their test results, have no idea what to do with them. This episode provides suggestions for those who took either a Y-DNA test or a mtDNA test. If your direct paternal...

MSS-047-French-Canadian Genetic Diseases-part 1
With such a small number of immigrants coming to Québec in the 17th and 18th centuries and the fact they they remained fairly isolated from other ethnic gene pools, descendants of these pioneers often face medical problems caused by genetic inheritance. Today’s guest Muriel Normand takes us through Genetics...

MSS-045-The French-Canadian Heritage Society of California
If you live in or visit southern California, you have to schedule a visit to the French-Canadian Heritage Society of California. Other than the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, this is the West Coast’s largest repository for French-Canadian resources. Suzy Goulet takes us through the collections, projects...

MSS-029-Acadian History-Part 1A: Pre-Deportation
Many French-Canadians can also claim Acadian ancestry. Today Lucie LeBlanc Consentino begins her first of several lessons about the tumultuous history of our beleaguered ancestors. In Language Tip #29, we look at surnames ending in ERT and how best to locate them in online indexes. And last, be sure...

MSS-019-World Acadian Congress 2014
Once arriving back to the eighteenth century, many French-Canadian researchers will find an Acadian or two in their ancestry. That is because, after the deportation, some of these unfortunate folks escaped to or returned to French-Canadian settlements and eventually intermarried. Every five years a celebration of Acadian heritage takes...