1) When did Jean-Baptiste and Dina marry?
- Ce trente septembre mil huit cent trente neuf
- This 30th September one thousand eight hundred thirty-nine (1839)
2) How many times were the bans read?
- après la publication de trois bans de mariage…
- after the publication of three bans of mariage
3) Where did the groom live?
- domicilié en cette paroisse
- residing in this parish (St-Pie)
4) Had the groom reached the age of majority? [see above]
- fils majeur
- adult son
5) Who were his parents?
- fils majeur de Jean Baptiste Renaut et de Josephte Guertin…
- adult son of Jean Baptiste Renaut and of Josephte Guertin…
6) Where did his parents live? [see above]
- …de cette paroisse…
- …of this parish (St-Pie)…
7) Had the bride reached the age of majority?
- …Dina Macé, fille mineure..
- …Dina Macé, minor daughter…
8) Who were her parents? [see above]
- …fille mineure de défunt Louis Macé, et de Marguerite Ayët dit Malo…
- …minor daughter of the late Louis Macé and of Marguerite Ayët dit Malo…
9) Where did her parents live?
- de cette paroisse…
- of this parish (St-Pie)
10) Were any of the parents deceased? If so, who? [see #7 and 8]
- …de défunt Louis Macé
- …of the late Louis Macé
11) Were there any impediments to the marriage?
- ne s’étant découvert aucun empêchement
- not having discovered any impediment
12) Name each witness and his or her relationship to the bride or groom.
- en présence du dit Jean Baptiste Renaut, père de l’époux, de François Chabotte, beaupère de l’èpouse, de Jean Baptiste Trejean, de Charles Croteau, et de plusieurs autres parens et amis
- in the presence of the said Jean Baptiste Renaut, father of the groom, of François Chabotte, step-father of the bride, of Jean Baptiste Trejean, of Charles Croteau, and of several other relatives and friends