MSS-069-Filles à Marier

Maple Stars and Stripes fleur-de-lis logoWe introduced a brave group of women known as the Filles du Roi in episodes 7 and 44. They journeyed from France to the New World in an organized governmental program. But for the three previous decades, other (arguably braver) women also made the journey. Known today as the filles à marier, these remarkable women also populate our family trees.

Today’s guest is Peter Gagné, author of Before the King’s Daughters: the Filles à Marier, 1634-1662 (as well as the 2-volume set King’s Daughters and Founding Mothers). Peter introduces us to these other “founding mothers.”

After the interview, I’m going to begin taking a look at OCR/translation software. One of the biggest obstacles to French-Canadian researchers who can’t read French is the language barrier. Technology is starting to breach the divide. Join us as we try to discover the best software for our purposes.

Be sure to check out the show notes at
