
MSS-007- Les Filles du Roi (the King’s Daughters)

Imagine being a young lady in your teens or early twenties. You leave everything known to you to travel six to eight weeks across an unforgiving ocean toward a harsh land that requires all your strength and resolve to survive. We of French-Canadian descent are here today because approximately...


MSS-004-More French-Canadian Name Variations

There are so many ways to spell certain sounds in French that it sometimes becomes difficult to even recognize a name as the one for which you are searching. In episode 4 of Maple Stars and Stripes (, we take a look at the many ways of spelling the...


MSS-003-French Pronunciation and Text-to-Speech Aids

When our French-Canadian ancestors left Québec and came to America, they began to generate records in an English-speaking system. Many clerks wrote their names phonetically. As a result, the names in American records often don’t come close to the actual spelling and can often be unrecognizable to an inexperienced...
